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Privacera Encryption UDF for masking in Trino on PrivaceraCloud

Privacera Encryption includes a UDF for Trino that can one-way mask your data. For background, see Masking schemes.

Syntax of Trino UDF for masking

The masking UDF for Databricks has the following syntax:

Mask: With the quoted '<mask_scheme_name>', the mask UDF one-way transforms all values of <column_name> in <table_name>:

select mask(<column_name>, <mask_scheme_name>) from <table_name>;

Prerequisites for Trino masking UDF

The following should already be ready:

Mask UDF pre-defined in Trino

The mask UDF comes pre-defined in the Privacera Crypto jar. You do not need to define it yourself.

Example query to verify Privacera-supplied mask UDF

See the syntax detailed in Syntax of Trino UDF for masking

Mask: The following example query with the mask UDF one-way transforms the cleartext CUSTOMER_EMAIL column of the CUSTOMERS table using the quoted'MASK_SCHEME_EMAIL' masking scheme:


Redact the column email from the customer_data database with the masking scheme EMAIL_REDACT_SCHEME and save the output to a column called RedactedEmail.

select mask(email,'EMAIL_REDACT_SCHEME')
as RedactedEmail

Single query to encrypt and mask: Encrypt (protect) the column PERSON_NAM from the customer_data database with the PERSON_NAME_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME and mask the EMAIL from the customer_data database with the masking scheme EMAIL_MASKING_SCHEME. The data are transformed in place with no intermediate location.

from db.customer_data;