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PrivaceraCloud Documentation

UserSync in PrivaceraCloud


UserSync: Data Access Users

This topic describes how to use UserSync in PrivaceraCloud to connect to an external resource (such as LDAP, AD, AAD, SCIM, OKTA, and SCIM Server) for the purpose of connecting, pulling, or serving as data access users.

Connect application

You can connect your application using an existing system or add a new one.

  1. On your system dialog, click the three dots menu and then Add Application.

  2. In the Application List, click USERSYNC.

  3. In the Service Type list, select the connection protocol/service you wish to connect:

    • LDAP

    • AD

    • AAD

    • SCIM (System for Cross Identity Management - Client)

    • Okta

    • SCIM-Server (System for Cross Identity Management - Server Endpoint)

  4. Enter the Connector Name , then click NEXT.

LDAP, AD or AAD connection
  1. In the BASIC tab, enter the values. See below table:



    Service URL


    Bind DN

    "CN=Bind User,OU=privacera,DC=ad,DC=privacera,DC=us"

    Bind Password

    as needed

    Search Base


  2. In the ADVANCED tab, the value in the Authentication Type field must be simple.

    To enable paging for UserSync via LDAP:

    1. Select the Incremental Search check box.

    2. In the Add Custom Properties text box, set the following properties:

    3. Click Next.

  3. The configuration wizard will advance you through the configuration pages. Complete and step through each of the pages.


    Configure Filters

    Azure Active Directory- There are the following optional fields for filtering:

    • Include Users By Domain: Add domain names to include, default value is empty

    • Exclude Users By Domain: Add domain names to exclude, default value is empty

    Okta- There are the following optional fields for filtering, select either "Equals" or "Starts with". For each of these filters that are defined, all users not included are ignored. Wildcard (*) allowed.

    • Include Users With Email

    • Include Users With First Name

    • Include Users With Last Name

  4. Complete all BASIC values, then review and update ADVANCED values as required.

  5. Click FINISH.

SCIM, OKTA and SCIM ServerPrerequisites
  • OKTA: Pull data access users and groups from Okta. PrivaceraCloud will use Okta protocols in client-mode to connect to an Okta enabled SCIM-Server. It will synchronize with the targeted server to obtain data access users and groups.

  • SCIM: Pull data access users and groups from the generic SCIM 2.0 compliant server.

  • SCIM-SERVER: Configure to allow data access users and groups to be provided (pushed) to your PrivaceraCloud account from a SCIM 2.0 client, including push integration with an Okta Identity Provider. See SCIM Server User-Provisioning for detailed setup instructions.

  1. In the BASIC tab, enter Endpoint URL and Bearer Token.

  2. Click Next.

    The configuration wizard will advance you through the configuration pages. Complete and step through each of the pages.

  3. Complete all BASIC values, then review and update ADVANCED values as required.

  4. Click FINISH.

Customize user details on sync

You can use advanced settings to perform a variety of transformations on user-related data from your Identity Provider (IdP).

  • On the Base User Attributes page, go to the ADVANCED tab.

    Then on the Customize Base LDAP Source Attribute Keys dropdown:

    • Apply to Attribute(s): Specify the names of LDAP attributes to which these customizations apply.

    • Extract from email: Extract the username portion of an email address value from the username attribute field. The username then becomes the value to the left of the @-sign of the email address.


      Duplicate usernames map to a single username.

      Usernames in email addresses (the left-hand side of the @-sign) that are identical even if they are different domains (the right-hand side of the @-sign) are considered the same user on import.

      For example these email addresses with different domains result in the same user on PrivaceraCloud :



    • No Conversion: If you select any of the following conversions, this radio button is unselected.

    • Convert attribute values to lowercase. Allowable values: true or false.

    • Convert attribute values to uppercase. Allowable values: true or false.

    • Prefix to Prepend. Allowable values: String to prepend.

    • Postfix to Append. Allowable values: String to append.

    • Regex Replace Expression. Allowable values: Substitute any string represented by a regular expression with another string. Requires Linux-editor-style s command, with optional g for global replacement. Examples:

      • Regexp s/ch/AAA/g: ch (a simple string) is globally replaced with AAA.

      • Regexp s/[123]//: The first occurrence of the number 1 or 2 or 3 is removed.

      • Regexp s/a[bc]/z/: The first occurence of the letter a optionally followed by either b or c is replaced by z.