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Privacera Encryption UDF for masking in Trino on PrivaceraCloud


Privacera Encryption includes a UDF for Trino that can one-way mask your data. For background, see Masking schemes.

Syntax of Trino UDF for masking

The masking UDF for Databricks has the following syntax:

Mask: With the quoted '<mask_scheme_name>', the mask UDF one-way transforms all values of <column_name> in <table_name>:

select mask(<column_name>, <mask_scheme_name>) from <table_name>;

Prerequisites for Trino masking UDF

The following should already be ready:

  • A fully functional installation of Trino.

  • The Privacera init script for Trino must be installed in your Trino instance. See Trino.

  • The Privacera Crypto jar, which includes the mask UDFs, must be installed in your Trino instance. See Download and install Privacera Crypto jar.Trino UDFs for encryption and masking on Privacera Platform

  • The users who will use the UDFs have sufficient access to the pertinent tables in Trino.

Mask UDF pre-defined in Trino

The mask UDF comes pre-defined in the Privacera Crypto jar. You do not need to define it yourself.

Example query to verify Privacera-supplied mask UDF

See the syntax detailed in Syntax of Trino UDF for masking

Mask: The following example query with the mask UDF one-way transforms the cleartext CUSTOMER_EMAIL column of the CUSTOMERS table using the quoted'MASK_SCHEME_EMAIL' masking scheme:


Redact the column email from the customer_data database with the masking scheme EMAIL_REDACT_SCHEME and save the output to a column called RedactedEmail.

select mask(email,'EMAIL_REDACT_SCHEME')
as RedactedEmail

Single query to encrypt and mask: Encrypt (protect) the column PERSON_NAM from the customer_data database with the PERSON_NAME_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME and mask the EMAIL from the customer_data database with the masking scheme EMAIL_MASKING_SCHEME. The data are transformed in place with no intermediate location.

from db.customer_data;